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About Us

Since 1995 we have been providing outdoor adventure experiences in Hamilton, New Zealand. In 2019, we appointed Ella Steele as our new CEO. Ever since we have been providing kayaking, rafting, tramping, climbing and caving packages for tourists, backpackers and high school students.


Our mission is to provide safe and fun adventure experiences. We encourage people of all abilities, including both beginners and thrill seekers, to get out there and try something new. We want our

customers to explore New Zealand in a unique and exhilarating way.


Our vision is to excel in safety. We want to be prepared and well equipped for all conditions. It is our customers who will take adventurous risks, and it is us who will help to eliminate risks.









We take pride in our country and look forward to showing it off. That's why we care so much about the environment and want to protect it. We realise that plastic pollution is a growing issue, which is resulting in damaging consequences for the environment. Plastic is washing up in lakes and rivers across the world and is causing damage to land and wildlife.


By creating this blog, we hope to bring awareness to this issue and prevent it from harming our activities. We want to ensure our activities are safe, clean and non-toxic.

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