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  • The Tidy Kiwi

Updated: Jun 7, 2019

Did you know that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea? As individuals, we must do everything we can to stop using single-use plastic, because if we don't plastic pollution will damage the New Zealand environment and the rivers where we operate our activities will become toxic. Here are some easy alternatives that you can adopt instead of using single-use plastic.

Use metal straws instead of plastic ones.

1. Use a keep-cup instead of a takeaway cup.

We know how easy it might seem to get a takeaway cup, but think of the environment. It's easy to sacrifice your takeaway coffee cup for a keep-cup.

2. Use beeswax wrap instead of glad wrap.

If you are bringing sandwiches or a packed lunch to Go Go Adventure Tourism, wrap your food with beeswax wrap instead.

3. Bring your own cutlery instead of using plastic cutlery.

If you plan on eating lunch at Go Go Adventure Tourism, bring cutlery from home instead!

4. Buy metal straws instead of plastic ones.

Don’t be a sucker for plastic straws. Metal straws are just as good and they don't harm marine life.

5. Say no to plastic bags and buy a reusable one.

Did you know it takes around 20 to 100 years for plastic bags to breakdown? You should definitely use a reusable bag instead.

Pictured above: Here are some sustainable ways you can store your food, including metal straws, beeswax wrap, and reusable bags. Further options you can adopt are stainless steel bottles, wooden items and package-free items.

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